What a sweetheart

May 8th...
Cael had such a sweetheart moment this evening! I was in the kitchen getting some yummy peas (....) ready for Averi to eat. She was on the living room floor, starting to fuss because I was taking too long, but she had quieted down before I got back in there with her food. When I walked into the living room I saw that Cael had moved his new fire station, that he had been playing with on the other side of the room, closer to Averi so she could play with him! I was astonished. He scooted everything closer to her and proceeded to talk to her while he drove his cars down the ramp.
I realize I am starting to sound like a broken record here, but I am taken aback by the relationship these two already share. They are both so lucky to have each other and it makes me feel good that (at least for now) they embrace their brother/sister relationship and genuinely care about one another!
I don't think Derrick and I could be any luckier either!
OK, I am done shmoozing now :)

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