So much to do

May 22nd...
Hey check this out, I am remembering to blog tonight! Way to go Darci.
I am not even looking forward to tomorrow, not one bit. I have 3 full sets of dishes and 2 of them are from grandparents of mine and of Derrick's so you know they have like 14 place settings each instead of just 4. Yeah....every single bowl is dirty. Every one! I don't know how it happened, I swear I did the dishes the day before yesterday...pretty sure...
Not to mention the laundry, I don't even know what is in the washer, what does that tell you? Tomorrow is going to be a clean clean clean type of day. No breaks, no chit chat, no face book (yeah right!) I could do it tonight, at least the dishes but I really don't want to. I may regret this decision in the morning, but I will live.
Today was a good day. After nap time (which I included myself in) we set up the slip and slide and played out in the backyard for a very long time. Than we came inside, had dinner, and covered the floor with blankets and pillows and watched Avatar. For the first half hour or so Cael sat next to me with a piece of bread in his hand from his sandwich. He was so engrossed in the movie that his fingers were pushing all the way through his bread and it was threatening to fall into the mouth of a very patient dog. During an action scene he actually started screaming at the top of his lungs "Tica! Tica! Mo! Mooooooooo! Momma, Momma, TICA!" Mo, for those of you who don't get daily updates on my son's language, is No. And Tica is my parent's horse. I had to try and convince him that the creatures being chased in the movie were not being chased by "normal" horses. Tica was safe and sound at Nana and Papa's house, not hurting anyone. I don't know if he understood, or believed me, but it was so hilarious that I got up to get the video camera in case he got the into it again. Of course he didn't, after about another 5 minutes or so he went off and found something else to do. But it was really cute while it lasted!

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