This blog is a direct reflection of how I am dealing with this whole deployment. I am stressed, tired, over thinking, over worked...I am definitely feeling it right about now. I was doing so good, not forgetting this thing and taking pictures everyday, but lately I just can't seem to catch up. My mind is racing a million miles a minute and all I can focus on is the fact that Derrick won't be home, even for his leave, for another 6 months! I know that's not the part I need to focus on, I just need to relax a little bit, and I will. In time, I will get back on my feet.
Ugh, no more to be said about that! I will never get out of this rut if I keep talking about it!
Amber gets total credit for this picture, she took it a few days ago while Cael was at her house. I think the boys are absolutely hilarious, same expression, hands are the same, even their lunches and cups are the same. Funny boys.
I am really looking forward to today, Tiffany is coming over this afternoon to scrapbook and I think it will bring some much needed relaxing time! I haven't scrapped anything since i have been here, I tried...but not so much, so hopefully I can actually get something done today!
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