The kids and I headed over to Faith's house today for some BBQ burgers and hot dogs, Amber and her family were there too and we had a lot of fun hanging out. Cael was so excited that Brayden was going to be there that the whole drive all I heard was "Eeee Heee" (Clearly, that means Brayden) and lucky for him, Brayden was excited to see him too. They ran laps around Faith's house (which I am sure she appreciated) Played fetch with each other, since the dog, Isabella, didn't want to play, and mastered the art of not listening to their mothers and sliding down the stairs on their bums. They also decided for some unknown reason to switch mannerisms at the dinner table. Cael ate his entire hot dog AND Brayden's entire hot dog before he even touched his chips...while Brayden ate his chips and decided he was done. Silly boys, Cael never eats all his food!
After we all ate dinner we broke out the games and put in a movie for the boys, and it was so cute to see them share the big chair and watch Shrek. Of course it didn't last...they ended up switching movies about 18 times before migrating to the table with us and making Cranium just THAT much harder to play! It ended up being a late night, and I felt especially bad for Averi who could not fall asleep...she wanted to soak up everything the boys were doing, and she was pretty determined...but in the end sleep won, and whatever she missed out on by skipping bed time, she made up for this morning! I only wish Cael had done the same thing, he squeezed in an extra hour this morning, but I would have definitely be Ok with more! It's worth it though, I will always get up with my kids, no matter how early, and still be grateful for the day and that I have them in my life. Sleep is nothing compared to these two amazing little ones, and a great group of friends to play games with!
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