
May 12th...
Exploring the world as a two year old, is a lot like moving to a new place as an adult. Not only a new place, but a completely new lifestyle. We are going through the same motions, even if the knowledge we are gaining pertains to completely different things. Cael didn't know you could pull leaves off of a tree, heck he probably didn't even know he could reach them! Or that they don't always come off in one piece. All he knew was that he wanted to try it for himself. I could learn from him. There are so many things down here that I have to see for myself before I can know if they even apply to me or not. In this kind of life, everyone has advice for you. There is always someone who has done it before, whatever 'it' may be. Good advice, bad advice...there is no way to know until you try it for yourself. I am encountering that a lot, and I have been content to just accept the information I am given and assume it would work the same for me too, with most cases anyway. But I have no real way of knowing for sure until I try it for myself. I guess that's how the world is supposed to work, everyone is different...so everyone is going to experience things differently.

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