May 9th...
I don't know why I thought today was going to be a little hard for me. I know that Cael and Averi aren't old enough to make me breakfast and a cute little card, I know they aren't even old enough to realize it's Mother's Day, and I am perfectly OK with that. I will absolutely love getting little handmade presents from them in the future, and I can't wait, but for this year I thought Mother's Day was going to be a little lost to the wayside. I was wrong (in every way except for seeing Derrick walk through the door, which I had tried to convince myself might happen) but Mother's Day isn't just about getting flowers from your husband and kids, everyone and their mother (no pun intended) takes a few extra seconds out of their day to tell everyone close to them how much they care about them, how much they love them. It was amazing to me. I have family and friends that love me just as much (almost) as my husband does and made sure I had a really good day! Tiffany came over and cooked dinner for us, which was amazing, but I think the best part about the whole day was, that she stayed! Having her company is really the best Mother's Day gift I could have wanted yesterday, she didn't have to cook dinner, she didn't have to wash that dishes afterwards either...but I really appreciated her coming over and hanging out. And in a HUGE plus, Derrick called us in the morning too! Though the phones are a little choppy and I can't always hear him...I love it when the signal finally goes back through and I hear "happy mother's day, happy mother's day, happy mother's day, happy mother's day....." He gets so frustrated with those phones and I find it impossible to not laugh. I love him so much and the fact that he puts up with annoying fall apart type technology, just to tell me Happy Mother's Day means a lot to me! I love you Derrick!
We had a lot of fun yesterday, I took quite a few pictures, a lot better in quality than this one, but I think it's absolutely hilarious and totally sums up his role as "big brother." Tiffany was painting Averi's toenails and Cael took his (my) spoonful of desert over with them so he could watch...I just love the fingers in her helmet! He loves her, but he's not holding on to her head to protect her if she falls, or even just to let her know he is there...he simply is putting in finger's in the holes because they are there. One of his perks of not being the one who has to wear it I guess.
aww.... like his own little bowling ball! j/k. Glad you had a great Mother's Day Darci! I love you!