Adventures in Potty Training

May 11th...
I don't know if we are necessarily getting anywhere yet, we are kind of treading water with this whole potty training thing. I had convinced myself that once he went in the potty one time, it was all going to click and it would be smooth sailing from there...ummm, no. I am so proud of him for finally going (i'm proud of him for finally being willing to sit on it, to be perfectly honest) but it just seemed so natural. He didn't act surprised, he didn't act excited, it was almost like...he had known the whole time and just hadn't wanted to yet. Well, if that's the case, why not? Bud, if you know what to do, and when, and why...what on earth are you waiting for? You crazy kid!

I'm taking Averi to the Dr. tomorrow to see if she has an ear infection, I sure hope she doesn't, but she did all but rip her ear right off of her head today. She's not the happiest, and I know it's bugging her, but at least she is still sleeping alright. I hate it when babies are so miserable they can't even sleep. So we are going to have an early morning, that is for sure!

I don't really know if anything else happened today to be honest. My book is getting really good, it feels good to be reading as much as I have been lately. It's kind of been my way to calm down and relax a little bit. Glee night with Eryn was fun as always and the jamocha shake she brought me was AMAZING! She also brought me a Mt. Dew and I didn't realize how thirsty I was until I took the first drink, it was the best Mt. Dew I have ever had in my life, and I'm surprised I didn't get a headache considering how fast it was gone!

And yes...I do realize that Cael is going to kill me when he is older and his girlfriends google him and find this blog... :)

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