Big Girl

May 10th...
Today was very eventful. We bug bombed the house. It feels really good to know for sure that Mr. Spider who played the 'now you see me, now you don't" game the day before yesterday is DEAD. I don't care where he hid...he is gone now and I can rest assured he isn't going to crawl into my hair while I am sitting on the couch! Uh, I shudder just thinking about them. We also had a resident fly (not as bad as a spider, but super annoying) and apparently they live a lot longer than 24 hours because he was in this house for like a week, driving me insane. I found it on a window sill after the bug bomb was all done and that to myself "HA! Got ya!" What did I do while getting the kids out of the car and into the house? Let in another one...go figure.
Poor Jo had to be outside in the rain during the 5 hours that the bomb fogged the house, I put her bed in the shed so she could stay dry...that place is getting bombed next! I don't know what it is about my house and spiders. It seems it doesn't matter where I live, they follow me and they are everywhere!
In other news, I bought Av a sippy cup. She doesn't really get it yet, but we are familiarizing. Pretty soon she will realize that there is water in there.

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