Twice Baked Potatoes!

May 20th...
Ok so I have been thinking a little more and I might be doing some blog entries without pictures...and I think I am OK with that. The idea of this whole thing was to take a picture everyday, not blog everyday...but I kind of twisted it a little. I am still going to try and take a picture every day, although I might get way off track without HAVING to. Oh well, we will see how this goes. This just seems a little safer to me I guess.
I made the most delicious dinner ever tonight! Pork chops and twice baked potatoes! The pork chop was alright nothing to write home about, but the potatoes were awesome! Just like my mother in law makes them! I was nervous because when I was at the store getting groceries this last time, they had individually wrapped potatoes near the produce. I don't cook enough to justify buying a whole bag of them so I figured these would be great! So as I decide to make my potatoes tonight for dinner I take a closer look at them and they are microwave potatoes...whoops! All is well though they turned out exactly like normal baked potatoes, but only took 12 minutes. Big plus. The peels were like wet paper though and ripped all over the place while I scooped out the goods, so they looked a little sad by the time I re-filled them...good thing looks don't affect taste because they were de-lish!
Well...this would be longer, I could ramble on about Cael peeing on my bed skirt and THEN telling me he had to go...or the laughter that filled the house as Cael did an awesome job at entertaining his little sister while I cooked...but Averi is screaming bloody murder in her crib and I need to try and rock her a little. 5 teeth coming in...I was just waiting for the irritation and pain to get to her, of course it's at bedtime. Gotta go make my little princess feel better and fall asleep!

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