
March 17th...
I was cleaning off my scrapbook table today (I have a looooong way to go still! But when American Idol comes bug goes off) and I came across this letter that my sister Cassie wrote to my daughter on the day she was born. I have read it so many times, I already knew what it said but I re-read it anyway and, like always, it made me cry. All she did was tell Averi what our lives were like on the day she was born, where her daddy was and why he couldn't be there with us, how much fun we had "dressing" her as a pumpkin on Halloween and how my big orange belly scared Cael, how I could hardly fit into my dress at Cassie's wedding...the little details I probably would have never remembered in 10 years. But thanks to Cassie's letter, Averi will always know. She will know exactly how excited we all were to finally meet her. Thank you Cassie, I could never tell you how much this means to me.