March 16th...
Now just to start this off since a million of you are already screaming at me for being an thing that Derrick and I talked about before he left was that he wanted me to use our deployment money and buy a Kirby. So just calm down! I'm just following orders here!
We had a demonstrator come to the house the very day we moved in, so we figured 'why not?' We didn't have any furniture in the way, the carpets had been professionally cleaned before we got here (and as an "almost" Kirby saleswoman in Ca, [I didn't have the whits to go door to door to sell vacuums...] I knew it would find muck in our "clean" carpets) Derrick was completely disgusted with what the Kirby pulled up and said we could get one once we could afford it. Well guess what? We can afford it! 111 bucks a month and it will be paid of a month after Derrick gets home! Hooray for military discounts!!!
I know I asked for advice on face book, but that was stupid of me. I had already decided I was gong to say yes when Mr. Bill came knocking on my door this afternoon, I just wanted some extra 'go for it!' well...I only got one! Everyone else and their mothers were telling me 'no! no! you're an idiot! who cares if your baby crawls on dirty carpet, it will build up her immune system" well guess what? That is not a standard that I WANT to be OK with! Ya, I realize these vacuum's are insanely expensive, but they get the job done and have a lifetime warranty. We'll see who's laughing at who, when you nay-sayers have all spent more than this replacing yours! I should not have to feel bad, or selfish, or anything else for that matter, about wanting my daughter to crawl on clean carpet! And I won't feel bad about it!
So there...I have ranted, and I have raved...and I feel better. I'm sorry if I offended anybody with my capitol letters, I was just a tad emotional about my new vacuum. I will be cleaning all day tomorrow and hopefully I can get that BBQ stain out of the carpet!
Good night everyone! Happy American Idol Top 12 night!
**2 hours and a few deep breaths later...I feel the need to apologize. I didn't mean to offend anyone about how clean their carpets are, or what my "standards" are. Not my intention at all! All I meant was that, I felt like I was being...i can't think of the words right now. Scoffed at? Or put in my place? When I asked for people advice on whether or not to get a Kirby, one of my friends said (and I'm paraphrasing, the way I took it) Averi would be better off with a 'dirty' carpet because she will build up an immune system and that it was pointless because no where else I took her would have clean carpets anyway. Well I was really offended by that, and if you are reading this, I don't mind calling you out on it because I don't think you meant it the way I took it at all. I understand the point that was trying to be just hit me the wrong way. Like my daughter didn't stand a chance no matter what.
Anyways, I am over it. I am still happy I bought it and again, I am sorry if anyone was offended from what I said. Thanks.
And just for the record, I have more than one favorite on American Idol and I don't think that has ever happened before! I really like, Andrew and Siobhan. But there are definitely more I am rooting for!
You got it! I'm so happy for you! NOW GET CLEANING, WOMAN!!! lol, love you, baby.