I have another entry for today. no picture or anything. Just thoughts. A soldier's life was lost today in Afghanistan. He was a part of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team for the 187th Infantry Regiment. I did not know him personally, but in the Army, that doesn't matter. He is a part of me just as much as he is a part of his unit, his platoon, every soldier fighting for us right now as well as there families home waiting. I say 'is' because we can't ever forget about the soldiers who give their lives over there. Had it been my own husband, I think I would die at the word 'was.' I hope he rests in piece and my thoughts and my heart go out to his family.
She is an army wife, just like I am an army wife and I cannot even fathom what she must be feeling. I hope she knows how many people are thinking about her, and how proud we all are of her husband and what he did for this country.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't terrified.
I am right there with you... scared to death. If your not terrified then your crazy! Losing someone you love is something I have dealt with, but if I lost my husband I am not to sure what I would do.... RIP SGT OWENS!