March 3rd...
We spent the majority of the day today with the TV turned off and I have to tell you, it felt soo good! We are one of those families (good or bad) where it's just always on. I am huge reality show junkie, and Cael is in love with Nick Jr...there's just always something on. Not saying it's a great thing, but there it is. So today I really needed to get motivated to clean up the house for Cael's party coming up (it didn't happen...) so I turned on and turned off the TV. It was so quiet in here, Averi took her morning nap in her swing, Cael played with his cars and his books, and I got all our bills paid! It was very calming. Well it didn't last forever and when we decided to turn it back, I wanted to find something other than nick jr for Cael to watch. On comes Animal Planet, he was instantly hooked! Why didn't I ever think of this before? I like nick jr. just fine, I think there is a lot of learning integrated in the shows...but they are still cartoons and he doesn't need to be hooked on them like he is. So we are cutting back! He's no couch potato, he loves to play with his toys or run around outside (when Averi and I are in the mood for it) and there are only a few shows he can sit through for the whole thing anyway, but still. Change can be good.
Well 'Big Cat Diaries' is what happened to be on when we turned on Animal Planet and he loved watching the baby lion cub...he got even more excited when he saw a zebra! "Oooh Be-bah! Be-bah!" and I just thought to myself, oh goodness...what do I do know? Let him see them eat the zebra? or pull him to me and give him a big hug so he misses it and can spend a few more days thinking animals don't eat each other? I figured I would go ahead and let him see it, and tried preparing him before it actually happened; "It's called the circle of life bud..." but he was tuning me out. In absolute awe of what was happening. I didn't know what to expect, but what I got was hysterical. He got this look on his face and said "Eeeewww! Gross!" Boys will be boys I heartbreak for him. Maybe I will get lucky and Averi won't care either. I am a big enough sap for the four of us anyway! Devin and the natives eating the spiders!!! "Ewww.....Dat's yuuuuck!" OMGosh, the little people in our lives are so wonderful!!!