Our New Routine **Spoiler Alert** lol

March 27th...
I have been feeling a little guilty lately about not reading to Cael every night before bed. In our old house, it was a ritual and he loved it. We had the same 2 books we would read every night and he wouldn't let me leave the room until I had read them both.'Goodnight Horsey' and 'Marvin K Mooney Will You Please Go Now'. After the move, I'm not sure why I didn't start that up again, but I am starting now. We mailed 'Goodnight Horsey' to Derrick, and he received it today. He is going to read it to Cael and Averi on Skype as soon as he has personal internet and we will record it. I can't wait for that day, it's going to be really special.
Since that book is gone, I decided we will open up our 'Treasury of Storybooks' a collection of bedtimes stories (if you can call them that). I am reading one a night and he loves it. When it's bed time, he runs into his room and gets that book...ok, maybe he's not always very enthusiastic about the bed time part...but he likes it when I read! Lucky for me though, he doesn't pay much attention to the actual storylines yet, because the stories in this book are terrible! Hansel and Gretel was a complete shock to me! I must not have paid attention at all when I was a kid because that book should have given me nightmares. Their father couldn't afford to feed them, so the stepmom made him take the kids into the woods and leave them there! He didn't even argue...he just did it! Then they come across a witch who tries to eat them, poor innocent Gretel pushes her into the oven, they steal all her gold and treasures and find there way home. Lucky for them, it's casually mentioned in the last sentence of the story, that the stepmother died while they were away and now they are a happy family. Umm...what is that supposed to tell little kids before bed?? Ah, scary stuff if you ask me. I think they should make that into a movie...it was be very dark. I can see Tim Burton doing it, Johnny Depp would be the witch, he's versatile. Oh No! Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter could be the kids! He could make the whole computer generated world way to big for them, so they look little. I should write to him. OK, I am off track. Tonight's story was Henny Penny, which in all actuality is that same is Chicken Little. At the end of THAT story, Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Lucky Ducky, Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey all think Foxy Loxy is leading them to the king, to tell him the sky is falling, when in reality, she is leading them to her cave to eat them. Once there, Henny Penny gets scared and runs home as fast as she can...and then goes about her business pecking at the ground! SHE LEFT HER FRIENDS TO DIE! The last line in the story is "Henny Penny scratched happily in her yard and the King never heard that the sky was falling." What on earth is going on??? I am going to keep reading these everynight while Cael is too young to care, and I will keep you guys posted! I can't believe these darn stories.

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