March 14...
Cael wanted to go outside SO badly today, but it just wasn't nice out. It was drizzly all day and really gloomy and gray. Not the worst weather ever, but I definitely did not want him playing outside by himself, falling down and having to use his hands on everything...that's just a recipe for a cold. I didn't want to go outside with him either because of Averi, she doesn't need to be outside in the gloom. So instead we jsut find to find enough activities to do inside to keep us from going insane. I'm not sure why it was so hard today, we are always inside...but for some reason today there was a thick cloud of boredom looming over our house. And our moods.
Cael and I made (clarification, i made, he stepped on) a town out of his blocks for his cars to drive around, and that kept us both busy for a long time! I forget how much fun something as simple as a toy car can be, until I actually get down on my hands and knees and play with him. I used to love cars when I was little. My cousins and I played with them constantly whenever I was at their house, which was a lot!
Tools were another way to keep ourselves busy, but that was mostly Cael. He may not be old enough to actually build things with them, so instead he just picks a power tool and holds the button down. He must be in some kind of contest to see how fast he can run the batteries out...good thing I bought extra!
This picture of Averi is so amazing to me. The pajamas she is wearing were mine when I was a baby. I didn't get to put any of my baby clothes on Cael so this was just awesome. I made it out to the storage shed in the backyard today and brought in the boxes of "too big Averi clothes" to go through. Good thing I did, there were some things in there that will fit those long legs right now! and not for much longer! When I saw the PJ's I was afraid I was too late and they would be too little on her, but they fit perfectly. I left the 2 top snaps undone because apparently it was OK to choke the children back in the day...same as letting them sleep in cribs with lead paint :) That neck collar was so tight! So we made a little adjustment and she looked adorable.
I love my babies so much.
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