
April 23...
I can't begin to describe how much this picture moves me. At 5 months old, I didn't know she was capable of loving someone THIS much. I know she loves us of course, we are her family and I am her mommy, but the way she looks at her brother takes my breath away. She watches his every single move and she's so interested. She doesn't judge him when he's being a butt, she doesn't think it's funny when he falls down or bonks his head...she just loves him unconditionally. When he is in trouble, or even a little cranky I tell him to look at sister and sure enough, she is showing him a smile from ear to ear and he can't help but smile himself. He looks at her, and she laughs. When she sits in her bumbo seat, he drives his cars along the tray and doesn't even get frustrated when she picks them up, or pushes them off. I think he is the luckiest little boy in the world to have her undivided attention, and I hope they stay like this forever.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds familiar...
    And wanna know the best part? She's the luckiest little girl, too.

    They'll bicker, but they'll be like this forever at the core... but they will still really, really bicker. And you will really really have to put them in separate time out corners.
