Here we go...

April 22...
Today finally got the ball rolling on little Averi's helmet. No help with the insurance yet, that is still getting appealed, but at least we are getting some where. If I don't get this thing covered than so be it, but I can't make her wait anymore! The dr. said we should start to see progress after about 2 weeks of wearing it, so that's a good thing. She will probably have to wear it a full 6 months, because of her age...they don't want to take it off too soon and have her skull revert back, and I am perfectly OK with that. For now anyways. I am nervous/excited for her to actually have it put on, I want her to be OK with it, and I want it to do it's job and I'm afraid those may not go hand in hand. I will keep everyone posted, and a thank you to everyone's well wishes for her!

1 comment:

  1. she looks pretty content in the picture :) thats a good thing :) im glad that she is finialy getting what she needs!! love you darci!
