Game Day

April 29th...
UGH! What a long day this has been! Who knew I couldn't function without the internet??? Well...I did. But who else? haha. Took forever to get it back on, but I am back now! Of course I missed talking to my awesome husband this morning, but I know he will forgive me...and hopefully get back on tonight! Amber called me at 2:30 wondering why I wasn't at her house at 2 for game day...uhhh oops! Without facebook I have no idea what is going on, even in my own life! We made it though and had a lot of fun! Amber, Faith, Amber 2, and Katie all played Boxers or Briefs, that came is hilarious! It's like Apples to Apples meets Who Knu...(both are games I have played a million times with my nieces!) It was a lot of fun. Poor Brayden was a little under the weather, and Cael got a black eye from a mop...but it was a lot of fun for us adults! haha! I am looking forward to doing it again, socializing is a good thing for a stressed out momma like me!

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