
Feb 7th..
Realizing I hadn't taken any pictures today, I asked Derrick if he wanted to take the kids to the river this afternoon and see what the parks were like down there. Cael (who has been shamelessly getting up between five and six every morning for the past few weeks) decided he needed a four hour nap today and we lost our sunlight! I didn't want to take the kids in the dark, and it was getting pretty chilly, but I still wanted to take some river pictures, so Derrick stayed home with the kids. I figured if I could look around down there, and see what all there was to do, we could take Cael and Averi tomorrow.
The river is absolutely beautiful! I found a huge playground that Cael can play on tomorrow, and I can get a lot more pictures then! I only spent about ten minutes down there taking pictures because my hands were getting so cold, but I am way excited to spend more time down there.
I know you are all probably thinking...what about the Super Bowl??? Ya, I could have posed us all on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and pretended we were watching it...but in all honesty we didn't. We don't know anyone to host a party for, and we don't really follow the games enough to pay much attention ourselves...so instead we DVRed it so we can watch the commercials tonight after Cael goes to bed. Plus, as long as we know the score tomorrow, we can fool people into thinking we didn't just shame America.

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