Feb 12th...
Well Derrick got the orders saying Monday is the big day, so once again we are preparing for him to leave. We already did the whole mopey, sad part...now we are just pretending we're excited for it so he can leave us on a good note. Lucky for us, today was payday and he got to go buy his laptop. We were thinking I was going to have to buy it when our tax refund came back and then ship it to him, thank goodness we didn't have to go that route! I was so nervous about how much that was going to cost, and whether or not it would get damaged...plus, how long he was going to have to go without a single thing to do. This bad boy was $1,000 but he wanted it so bad, and he's going to Afghanistan...I think he deserves it! Not that it's my call anyway, he makes the money! :) That was a joke, we tackle every big decision together and this one was a no brainer, he looks like a little kid right now on Christmas morning. I am just so happy that he will have a webcam, him being able to say goodnight to the kids is very important to me. I know it won't be every night, but those nights we get to talk to him are going to be so special. I think Averi will have a much easier time knowing who her daddy is if she gets to see him talk to her.
I did something else in order to prepare for this deployment today; I ordered each of the kids a "Daddy Doll." They are at hugahero.com and they are awesome. It's a 12" pillow-type doll that has a full length picture of Derrick on one side and plain fabric on the other (pink for Averi, american flag for Cael) and there is a pocket in the back so Derrick can leave them each a little note before he goes. I think it's such a nice idea, Cael will be able to take daddy wherever we go...daycare, the grocery store, he can even sleep with him in his bed. I think he will love it. Averi probably won't care for a few months...but it's only fair that she gets one too!
Well...that's pretty much our day so far, emotions are flying every which way, but I think we are as ready as we can be, now he just needs to go so he can come back.
*Side note: I realize this isn't the best picture in the world, I should have taken a few more to try and get the keyboard and logos to focus...but Derrick is so busy playing on it right now, I can't get him to turn it back off so I can try again. Plus...I'm lazy :P
we love you derrick!!!