A little boy and his dog

Feb 17th...
Cael got in trouble probably five times today for being mean to Jo. Whether it was throwing his book at her, trying to run her over with his tonka truck, or using her as a stepping stool to get onto the couch...he doesn't seem to care about her feelings at all. And Jo just lays there. I swear if I look really close while he is running at her, I can see her close her eyes real tight and hold her breath. She is constantly trying to find a spot to sleep where he can't get to her. It makes me feel terrible that he doesn't leave her alone sometimes, but at the same time it makes me feel very proud. It takes a good dog to get walked on and run over on an hourly basis without retaliating.
There are times though when he grabs his blanket and curls up with her on the floor, and he doesn't hit her, sit on her or try to cover her head with the blanket...sometimes he just wants to lay with her. And surprisingly to me, those times, she lets him. Dogs must know that little boys don't really mean any harm.

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