Feb 24th...Two pictures again today, I wanted to showcase my new glasses. One day without them was enough to make me want to shoot myself so I went to Wal*Mart this morning and got some new ones. I couldn't believe the prices there! They had a $9 rack and then a $186 rack with NO in between! The guy took my lenses and said "If we can make these fit into a pair of frames, you will be good to go, if not you will need to schedule an exam" I told him "Try the $9 rack first please..." lucky for me he found some, they are blue and they are ok. I love the look of the frames, but I'd like a darker color. Oh well I can see for $9 and that is the important part!
I got an awesome surprise this morning when I got up at 7:30! First thing I do every morning is log into face book and skype, I know, sounds a little retarded, but Derrick is 12 hours ahead of me right now so my morning is his evening and there is always a chance he might be online. Well I hadn't talked to him for a few days so by this point my morning routine is just that, a routine. I was about to go make some breakfast when a message popped up that said "Baby!" He only got to be on for a few minutes and we didn't even really get to say bye or anything, but it was AWESOME to hear from him! He said he doing pretty good, he is in charge of a group of guys right now which is no surprise to me at all. He kicks butt and everyone knows it. I love hearing from him, I bet that's why everything else seemed to fall into place today...
To continue on with my adventure this morning, I took the kids to Kohl's today. My sister posted on facebook yesterday that they were having a huge clearance sale and clothes were going for almost nothing, after she posted it, more and more people were getting on there and posting their success stories from their shopping! My friend was on her way over so I couldn't go, but once I found out it was a 2-day sale, I was all over it! I got a bunch of cute stuff, lots of pants for Cael because he hit a growth spurt and all of the sudden all his pants are too short. I also got him a new pair of shoes which are adorable. The outfit Av (that is what I'm calling her these days...not to cause confusion, I just think it's cute)is wearing is new too. Those pants were $3! Granted they are still super big and would go all the way up to her arm pits if I wanted them too...but that's ok, she will grow into them.
When we got home from our shopping trip I was pleasantly surprised to see my netflix movie in the mailbox and a package on the doorstep. It was the birthday present my oldest sister got for Cael, I am excited to see what it is! I called and got her permission, I get to open it tonight! Hopefully I can keep my composure and hide it until his birthday next Friday. To make my "mail day" even more exciting, while I was watching my movie the doorbell rang and I saw a UPS truck outside! Yay! It was my bed. And although I said a few bad words while putting it together, it is beautiful! The mattress and box spring will be here in 1 -6 weeks so I figured I could just put my queen size air mattress on it for now...haha no! I jumped right on it like a dummy to show Cael, and the air bed folded up with me inside and sandwiched me down on the floor. I guess that center rail in the frame doesn't do much for a fatty like me. Cael however, can go night night just fine, he already showed me. He is going to be crushed when I make him sleep in his own bed tonight.
Well...I talked about Derrick, I talked about my shopping, I talked about my mail, I talked about putting the bed together...I think that's everything! Hope you all had a good day too!