*Alright!Project 365 is underway, I hope everyone enjoys this experience with me! I am a 24 year old, mother of 2 and my husband is deploying to Afghanistan for the first time. He will be gone until next February, and lord knows I am going to need an outlet sometimes! Be it to vent, cry, express my loneliness, or show the world whatever cute things my kids do, just for the sake of showing someone...I think this blog will keep me company when I need it most, so I plan to post a new picture everyday! Family, friends, and Derrick, this is all for you. It was hard for us to move across the country, but I know it's hard for you guys too, and this is just one way I could think of to let you know that we are OK. Since January is almost over, I have some catching up to do! I will post all the pictures I have so far with their journaling, and I am determined to have them done by tonight, tomorrow I can start fresh!
Jan 1st...
Our new house! We have been official Tennessee residents since December 28th and so far all is good. My husband Derrick is in the Army and has been stationed here so we packed up the car, said goodbye to the west coast and everyone we love, and headed East. After a 6 day driving adventure (to say the least) with 2 small children, we are finally home and it feels awesome! Now I just need to meet the neighbors...why does that seem so scary?
Jan 2nd...
For New Years Eve, Derrick wanted to just hang out and watch a movie. We put the kids to bed and since all our DVD's and our furniture weren't going to be delivered for a few more weeks, we moved the air mattress into the empty living room and I ran to Wal*Mart to buy us a movie. After finally picking one (Year One with Jack Black and Micheal Cera...Loved it!) I felt the need to do some random shopping (not a smart idea on our budget, but oh well) and found these insanely dorky yet, for some reason, cute underwear and could not stop laughing! I had to buy them for him. You should have seen his face when I walked in the door with them! He wore them the whole next day just to humor me, but said he felt like a 6 year old boy and I was never to "impulse shop" for him again! I chose them for today's picture because I want to focus on not forgetting the small stuff that happens this year, and these will probably be stuck in a drawer somewhere and never seen again.
Jan 3rd...
Today's picture is not the flashiest, and it does nothing to show any photography skills I may have...but it means a lot to me, and it was a hard decision to post. Today is the day I switched my baby girl to formula. I'm not a breastfeeding guru by any means, my son was formula fed as a baby, and the main reason for that was because I was scared. With Averi I decided I wanted to give breastfeeding a try and I had such a feeling of accomplishment and a very loving, strong bond with her that it broke my heart when at 2 months it seemed to not be enough. I hadn't decided just how long I was going to breastfeed her for, but I would have liked to have been the one to make the decision to stop.
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