Averi Annabelle's first on camera smile! I had such a hard time taking a picture of a smile because she is just learning so I have to catch her at the right time and be super quick. I love this picture because her whole face is lighting up. She looks like she has so much happiness she can't smile big enough and that melts my heart. A little blurry, maybe but all the soft pink makes it look so perfect to me...i love it.
Jan 17th...

This would be Swanky replacing Toy Story blanket I mentioned in an earlier picture. He loves to have me spread it out on the floor and we stand on everyones faces. I can't remember now, but I sure hope I appreciated the little things and made my own fun as a kid like he does now.
Jan 18th...
I decided to let Cael help me cook dinner tonight in the hopes that it might make him more excited to actually eat dinner, which he hasn't done in weeks. (Spoiler alert! It didn't work) I turned around to put water in a pot for the potatoes and when I looked back, this is what I got. The peas were in the pan, the can opener was tossed aside and he had on an oven mitt. I guess he knew what he was doing and he didn't need any help from me!
Darci- You should send this picture into the Taste of Home magazine. They have a little spot in the magazine called "Kids Like to Cook" and people send it cutle lil' pics of their kids helping in the kitchen. Like this one of Cael. I have one of jace I'm going to send in. Just a fun thing to suggest.