Oh my goodness, the Swanky! My son Cael adores this blanket. My nieces all had one as babies, so naturally my family got one for mine. He took this blanket everywhere he went, he didn't need it to fall asleep...but it made the process a tad smoother! Anyways, on the drive down here to Tennessee I made sure he had it with him in his carseat in the backseat of my car so he would have some comfort on what was bound to be a very uncomfortable trip. Not 6 hours into the trip, my little bud got car sick and ALL of the caramel corn my sister gave him for a road-trip snack came back up all over his precious blanket! No big deal right? Stick it in a plastic bag, change his clothes, go buy an air freshener...worst case scenario, he's a little crankier for the drive, right? WRONG! He was just fine on the drive, perfect actually, and I was relieved. The swanky did not bode so well. 6 days cooped up in a bag, and the 2 weeks without a washing machine...that blanket got so stinkin moldy! I have never felt like a worse mother in my life, why didn't I at least rinse it off at the gas station where it happened? I scrubbed and scrubbed, but those spots aren't going anywhere. I bought him a nice big Toy Story blanket to replace it and he is happy as a clam. Me? I just can't let go...I'll probably hang onto it for at least another year...
Jan 5th...
I'll be honest, I couldn't think of a picture today. Instead of thinking about something we were doing, I tried to focus on something we had, and I thought about these magnets. My niece has these at her house and they help kids to learn their letters and sing the alphabet, and whenever we went over to there house you could bet money that Cael would camp out in front of the refrigerator and play with those all day long. I didn't ever want them for our house because I had one of those kitchens that is cut off from the rest of the house and I didn't like him playing in there all alone. My sister must have known we would have more kid-friendly fridge placement in our new house because she got them for him for Christmas! He plays with them ALL the time...I have to be honest and say that I have contemplated taking the batteries out! He puts the letters in and pushes them over and over so instead of learning what sound the letter makes, he hears "A, A A A A A A A A A A A" Derrick says that thing is only teaching him how to stutter lol!
Jan 6th...
I bought this purse way back in October at a high school craft fair. The lady had a bunch of them, all made from different pairs of pants. I think it's really cute and I am always thinking I am in need of a new purse, so I bought it. Well...3 months later I filled it! What an accomplishment! I feel like a got a lot done today.
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