Today is picture hanging day, which means we are on to the finishing touches of moving into our house! There has been a stack of picture frames following me from house to house the past few years with old out dated pictures, or none at all, and I have never felt like we were home enough to hang them. Well I finally do. I have a new printer and I filled them all up and Derrick actually helped me hang them up on his lunch break! Little things like this make me feel so good about my life. It makes me feel organized. I used to tell my mom that if something happened to me, the Behavioral Analysis Unit would have no clue I had a happy marriage and 2 beautiful kids because I had no pictures....but they could figure me out now!

Jan 20th...
I don't even have adequate words to describe how much I love this picture. Anyone who knows Cael knows how well this picture embodies his personality perfectly. He is such a thinker, he takes everything in and figures things out before he shows much expression. We just had our garbage can delivered and I got him all dressed to go outside with me and help take the garbage out. After words he wanted to go into the backyard and my first instinct was to say no because it had rained and was icky out, but then I remembered this photo challenge and realized I didn't have a picture of the day yet. When you think about it, this challenge is not only meant to keep track of what goes on day to day, but also to provide motivation to get up and actually make something of the days before they pass. Thanks Cael for making spend and hour out in the backyard watching you explore and play with Jo. The dirt on the nose? Don't ask me. I think something in a boy's genetic code makes dirt appear all over there face the second they walk out the door.
Jan 21st...
If I had a plate of cookies baked and ready to hand out, I would have given them all to the internet man! I thought our set-up appointment was yesterday so the extra day was already killing me, and then knowing in the back of my mind that I would be, without a doubt, spending all day staring out the window for him to get here was so frustrating! Much to my surprise, my doorbell rang a 9:00 am and there he was! He had everything hooked up in 20 minutes and said I was good to go as soon as AT&T shipped the modem to me. Ya right, when Derrick got home and he said no way can we wait another week for internet, and he went down to Best Buy and bought us one that night! :) I love spending all day with my two babies and I don't ever have any reason to ignore them and play bejeweled for an hour and a half while talking to my friends on facebook...that being said, it was a good day today.
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