June 2nd...
Faith, her brother Joe, the kids and I all headed to Tie Breaker Famiyl Aquatic Center today in Hopkinsville! I didn't even know there was a water park nearby (closer than Nashville anyway) but it was really cute. It's mostly geared for kids, which is awesome, but there are a few big slides too. I can't wait for Derrick to come home and go to these places with us. It's definitely a different kind of parenting when you are on your own! I give a huge thumbs up to single moms everywhere, because doing even the simplest thing is about 1,000 times more complicated now. Lucky for me, I have some great friends who enjoy my kids as much as I do and were more than willing to sit with the sleeping baby, or accompany Cael out to the water toys. After a few hours of swimming Joe noticed the very threatening rain clouds over head and I completely shrugged them off, HA! 20 minutes later whistles were blowing for everyone to get out, wind came out of nowhere and turned a nice sunny day into the kind of "wrap yourself up in a towel to stay warm" weather. We headed into the locker rooms to get dressed and about 30 seconds after we came out BAM! Rain drops the size of marbles and they weren't falling from the sky...they were being thrown! We had to wrap the kids in towels and bolt for the car. By the time we got there we were more wet than we had been in the pool and struggling to get kids buckled in before Faith's poor car filled up completely with rainwater! It was insane.
I thought it might be just a quick storm, and there were some people in the park who were going to try and wait it out, but you look outside now and it is still rainy and gloomy out. It had that grayness that you only really see on days when it's rainy ALL day...it's almost hard to believe that just a few hours ago we were all getting sun burnt and playing in the pool!
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