I didn't know I had color in my front yard!

June 19th...
So I was washing dishes today and I opened the blinds on my window to let in a little sun and BAM! Purple flowers! (Yes, I realize the flowers in the picture are pink...I'm getting there...)
I have a little shrub/tree thing (excuse my white thumb garden lingo) in front of my house, just outside my kitchen window, and I had no clue it was going to bloom! It is so pretty, I went outside to take a picture and guess what? The one next to it has flowers too! (pink flowers...)
It's so fun to move into a house in the winter time and just watch what happens when spring and summer roll around! I am thinking this is it for this house...but at least it's something! I couldn't be happier!

1 comment:

  1. Our house was covered with roses in front. I mean every where!
