He Smiled!

June 15th...
OK anyone who knows Cael, knows that he is not the type to have his feelings written all over his face. When it comes to rides and things anyway. Believe I KNOW when he's mad, that he has no problem showing! But for some reason whenever we are somewhere like a theme park or carnival, he's a blank slate. He'll ride the rides for sure, he has an "I'll try anything once" kind of attitude, but it's so hard to judge whether or not he is having any fun at all. The only way I can tell if he liked a ride is whether or not he wants to go on again. Little Roller Coasters he is not too fond of yet, he doesn't like the ones that go so fast he can't get his bearings, but other than that, he is pretty easy going. I weaseled him onto this Nascar ride that him and Bradley wanted to go on (they were an inch too short and the carnie was not about to break his rules! but he gave in as long as the boys promised to hold on) The ride went super slow until the cars whipped around the corner of the race track, I was a little nervous for him. I kept telling him to hold on tight, but to my surprise Cael actually started laughing! Granted, he was laughing mainly because Bradley and Lily were laughing too, but still! I have never been able to get a smile out of him on a ride before, this is one for the record books!

1 comment:

  1. Haha that's fantastic! He has the greatest little smile when he uses it, but you're right he's a pretty stoic little man. Think we found the cure - sneak him on a ride with other kids who enjoy themselves and when it starts to go faster take as many pictures as is possible!
