August 4th...
Ike-a-rumba! it's been 24 hours and other than stopping for gas and diaper changes, we are still truckin! I tried to sleep at a rest stop at one this morning, but of course...as soon as the car turned off, the kids woke up! They wanted out of those car seats. We tried to each hold one and get some sleep, and Faith and Cael were alright with that...but Averi and I were not so fortunate. She wanted nothing more than to play with my hair and ruffle around in the grocery bags. After about two hours of pretending to sleep, I finally put her back in her seat. The only way to get her to fall back asleep was to turn the car on. If the car's on...I might as well be driving. Tried my darndest to stay awake (good thing those rumble strips are there!) and around Five AM I handed the wheel over to Faith. Not too sure what happened after that...other than my snoring! We thought we might get to see Mt. Rushmore on the drive through South Dakota, but it's a ways off the interstate and we were too excited to get home. Mom is driving back with us, so that is the time for us to be all touristy. Montana was a pain. Not so much the states fault, as it was the time of day, it took forever to get out of there. And by midnight we were so close to Idaho, and that meant so close to home that I just couldn't stand it. I was willing the roads to get shorter although I think the opposite was happening. Road construction didn't make matters any easier. Man was I excited when we finally reached Couer D' alene! It was smooth sailing from there!
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