Nashville Zoo

August 23rd...
Mom and I took the kids to the Nashville Zoo today! I had never been, but we were both very impressed! This is the first zoo I have ever been to where the elephants weren't standing on a concrete slab. They were actually in a huge meadow with a water hole and everything, it was very refreshing to me. The giraffes are always a hit with me, and it was cute to see how much the impressed Cael too! They were very close to the fence so we got an awesome look at them. In the gift shop Cael got to pick out a present from Nana and between a zoo hat, a truck and a bag of animals, he picked the animals! I was a little surprised, he is such a car boy...and a hat boy! But nope, he wanted a bag of rubber animal toys (probably because of the giraffe that was in there) and he hasn't played with his cars since. He is officially an animal boy now I think. He sleeps with them and everything. Goofy kid and his phases :)

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