August 6th...
We spent half of today at Aunt Nikki's house so Faith and I could catch up on Big Brother. Ooops! I mean, so Cael could spend some quality playtime with his cousins! He loves playing with them and it seemed as though these past 7 months hadn't really gone by at all, everything clicked back into place with them. I love that about my family, it doesn't matter how long you are gone or how much has changed...nothing has changed so much that you don't feel welcome when you come back.
We spent the second half of the day in at Aunt Misty's house and that was fun too! My nephew Evan was too little to play when we left, so it was great to see the boys (the only two boys this family has!) get to play together! They splashed in the pool, played cars, sat and laughed up in the clubhouse, it was awesome! I also got to add one more surprise to my list, because Hannah didn't know we were here yet. I went with Misty to pick her up from day camp, and she was NOT expecting to see me when she got off the bus!
Today was a really good day, It's nice to be back.
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