Bad day saved by Goulash?

August 31st...
Ok, nothing SERIOUSLY bad happened today and I really had no reason to be as mopey as I was...but that doesn't mean I wasn't. I was in a bad mood all day long, most of the reasoning I can blame on payday because money is really just an illusion. You think it's right around the corner, it's coming and then everything will be ok...nope. It's gone before it even hits the bank account! URG! Anyway...that was the basis of my frustration today and Cael's attitude didn't make things any better. Dinnertime finally rolled around and halfway through cooking I realized I had completely forgotten to go grocery shopping today (which also means I forgot to buy stamps and my bills will be one day later...awesome)and we had no milk. After throwing the tiniest of tantrums and I figured I could make spaghetti. Well, I poured the sauce into my hamburger and there was so much of it, I really had just made a swimming pool for the meat more than anything else. So, answer? Noodles that go into the sauce before it hits your plate to counter act how much there was. Goulash. I honestly can't remember the last time I had it, but I have to be honest. It was so freaking good! I could just feel my happiness meter creeping upward at a steady speed. Partly because the food was good, and partly because I didn't completely freak out and throw a whole pound of hamburger into the garbage before heating up a burrito.

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