Hello and welcome to my blog! I started this blog in 2010 with the concept of 'Project 365' I took a picture every day for an entire year and write about it. Now that it's 2012 I want to do it all over again! My kids are a little older, my career as a photographer is up and running, and we are about to enter deployment #2. Hopefully this blog will be a comfort, an outlet, a punching bag at times....and occasionally the source of a good laugh. Welcome to my life :)
Bad day saved by Goulash?
Well what did you expect??
August 30th...
Day one and I'm still sane!
August 29th...
Bye Bye Nana
August 28th...
Woo Hoo!
August 27th...
August 26th...
Taking mom to the lake
August 25th...
August 24th...
Nashville Zoo
August 23rd...
Back Porch Artist
August 22nd...
If you get down on her level...
August 21st...
Seeing Ft. Campbell
August 20th...
August 19th...
Bear Country
August 18th...
Devil's Tower and Mt. Rushmore
August 17th...
Headin home...
August 16th...
Workin all day

August 15th...

August 14th...
Hey Bj!

August 13th...
Can you see it Libby?
Swingin at Aunt Misty's
Pretty Little Liars

Lots of Laughs

Spending the Night

Quality Time

August 6th...
We spent half of today at Aunt Nikki's house so Faith and I could catch up on Big Brother. Ooops! I mean, so Cael could spend some quality playtime with his cousins! He loves playing with them and it seemed as though these past 7 months hadn't really gone by at all, everything clicked back into place with them. I love that about my family, it doesn't matter how long you are gone or how much has changed...nothing has changed so much that you don't feel welcome when you come back.
We spent the second half of the day in at Aunt Misty's house and that was fun too! My nephew Evan was too little to play when we left, so it was great to see the boys (the only two boys this family has!) get to play together! They splashed in the pool, played cars, sat and laughed up in the clubhouse, it was awesome! I also got to add one more surprise to my list, because Hannah didn't know we were here yet. I went with Misty to pick her up from day camp, and she was NOT expecting to see me when she got off the bus!
Today was a really good day, It's nice to be back.

and we played it off. I told her I just hadn't been on much now that Derrick has Skype, and she believed me. (It was partially true, I haven't been as addicted as normal now that I don't have to constantly wonder if my husband is on there or not.) I even called her from mom's house this morning on my cell phone and told her we were heading to the lake! Around noon we met Misty and Evan in Tekoa (It was so great to see them again! My nephew grew about a foot!) and we walked (have crouched so we wouldn't be seen) to Nik's house. We had to stop half a block away because we could see her outside, we felt like Mission Impossible spies! Darting across the road, crouching under windows, it was awesome! Mom went in the front door to keep her in the living room while we went to the back door and put Cael inside the house. I told him "Go find Aunt Nikki" and off he went! We rushed behind him as soon we heard "What are you doing here? What is he doing here???" There was crying and lots of hugs, it was amazing. I don't think we will ever top it. Surprise Nik :) Later that night Faith and I took her to the ER because she started having contractions...we figured we better tell her about the baby shower we had planned instead of surprising her again!

South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana...are we there yet?

And we're off!

Saying Goodbye for now - Not forever!

Today Faith and I had to give our hugs goodbye to an amazing woman. Amber, you are such a good person, an amazing friend and a great mom! Moving home for deployments is something that comes up all the time when living the life we do, and I knew I was going to have to say goodbye to some of the friends I had made eventually. I am really going to miss you, but it's only a year and then Cael and I can have our friends back!! Have a ton of fun back home with your family, I'm sure they are more than excited to have to guys move home! All of my thoughts and wishes are with Thomas and that he comes home safe and sound to you both!
Cleaning Day

Back to normal! Life is Good!
July 31st...
OK, back to hotness...day 4
July 30th...
New AC!
July 29th...
hotness...day 3
July 28th...
hotness...day 2
July 27th...
hottness...day 1
July 26th...
July 25th...