One Little Cache In Clarksville

December 14th...
Well...that was quick. It's already time for my mom and sister to go home. Luckily their plane doesn't leave until this evening so we had some time to spend this morning just hanging out. Mom and I did a little Christmas shopping around Clarksville early this morning and I took her to a geocache that is here in a parking lot, just so she say she has one from here!
A little later, I took Nikki to Ft. Campbell so she could see a few of the stores there and get a few things. The drive to the airport was not a fun one, it's always exciting to go and pick people up...but never to take them back. The kids both had a hard time when we got there, Cael didn't understand why he couldn't go on the airplane too. He had a really good visit with his Nana, Aunt Nikki, and Baby Kwi--Kwi...he didn't want it to end. I don't blame him, I didn't either.
Pretty soon it will be someone elses turn to visit and I can show another sister around Tennessee!!

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