December 26th...
So Jo Boxer got a bone for Christmas...but I decided to stray from the normal rawhide bones that she loves so much because she gets so paranoid about there whereabouts. You get her a rawhide bone and she will hide it 57 times in a day. And as soon as she hides it, she will walk around in total worry-wart mode and run back to it every time someone steps in that general direction. Out side, she will constantly dig holes to bury it and then dig it back up and put it in a new whole. Since we are renting, she is not allowed to take her bones outside. But that's alright because there are hundreds of places for her to hide those big slobbery chewed on bones the laundry. Or Averi's stuffed animal shelf. Or in Cael's bed! more rawhide bones for Jo. At least not for now, when we own a home then sure dog, go for it!
Anyway, to my point, I got her a real bone this Christmas. So she could feel super special and eat it, and let that be that. Well...that wasn't that. She ate that bone in about 15 nano seconds and threw it back up all over my living room while we were sleeping. Awesome. From now on, I am sticking with tennis balls!!! She's not the type of dog who likes to play with toys, but that is just too bad!
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