No bugs!

July 3rd...
2 weeks ago and I would have NEVER been able to take this picture. Call me a baby, a 'fraidy cat, a wuss...whatever you want, but I do not like bugs. It's not like I am afraid of the outdoors or anything, I have been camping almost every summer for as far back as I can remember. And I have always survived the bugs...but that doesn't mean I like them. When you are out camping in the woods, you have no other choice. You always tell yourself "oh, ants...could be worse!" but when you are in your own backyard, you have the option to go inside. And that's what I do. If I have the option, I leave. I don't like them crawling on me. I don't like the idea of them crawling on my son. I don't like how sneaky they are. A while ago I found a tick trying to catch a ride into the house on one of Cael's cars. Who did he think he was trying to fool? Ticks can't drive...
I just hate them. Anyway, my point being, had it not been for the Home Sheild Advantage people that showed up and sprayed my yard, I would NEVER have stood under the big branches of my tree to relax in the shade while Cael played in the yard. Not ever.

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