Neener Neener Brother!

July 18th...
Averi is a true"little sister" by every definition in the book! She loves Cael so much that it makes my heart hurt, she smiles when he gets in trouble...and she desperately wants anything he happens to be playing with. He has certain "no no baby!" toys (usually his cars) that he will not let her play with no matter what, and those always seem to be the ones she wants most (wonder why... .) So tonight while I was at Wal*Mart getting some diapers and wipes I decided to get her a few cars of her own! These little things are adorable, there was an elephant, zebra and turtle on the shelf and I grabbed all three. They weren't marked or anything but I mean, they're just plastic cars. They don't light up, they don't drive themselves around the house...a couple bucks probably. Three? That would be alright, she could start her own little car collection. HA! Try five! Ok, that doesn't sound like that big of a difference right now...but at the time, I was shocked! Five bucks for those little cars? Sorry sweetheart, only one for you, maybe next payday I will be able to get you another one, but I can't make any promises! We all know Cael is going to claim it anyway, at least I tried! :)

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