Edge of Darkness

July 11th...
This poor movie has been on my table for at least a week now. It's not usually like me to keep one this long because there are so many others I want to see, I like it watch them and get them back in the mail as soon as possible. Why is this one still sitting here collecting dust, you ask? I couldn't tell ya. Every person I have talked to said it was awesome, my mom even said "put this at the very top of your list!" and I did! But for some reason I can't bring myself to put it in. Maybe it's that the books I'm reading are taking up all of my "quiet time." Or maybe I just haven't been in the mood to watch a movie that's not a sappy love story, bound and determined to make me miserable beyond belief wishing my husband could just come home already. (You would think that category would be one I would try to stay away from but I just can't help myself) Unfortunately, I think I am just going to stick this one back in the mail and put it back on my list for later. No harm done.

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