I scrapbooked!

July 24th...
It's only 2 years late, but I am finally working on Cael's baby book! I am not one to scrapbook alone, I just can't seem to get motivated. Scrapbooking is really more "conversational" time for me (not that I get anything done when I try to scrapbook with friends, either) So I was really proud of myself today. The kids were being awesomely good, the house was quiet...the tv was even off! I figured it was as good a time as any to turn on iTunes and get some stuff done! I only got 2 pages done, but I also had fun and that's the important part, because I know I want to finish his book and start on Averi's!

Big girl!

July 23rd...
I snapped this picture earlier today while Averi was trying to get to me over the arm of the couch. This is her first time trying to pull herself up. I am so proud of her. Now that she learned how to get from point A to point B, I can see her little mind working to figure out FASTER ways to get there. I am going to try my hardest to keep her crawling at least until Derrick comes home on R&R so he can see her first steps, but she might decide that that's too long to wait. We'll see!

Welcome Home Brayden!

July 22nd...
After weeks and weeks of being back home in Texas, Cael's best friend Brayden finally came back over to play today! (not to mention his mom Amber who happens to be one of MY best friends too) Cael was so happy when I told him they were coming, he kept saying "my house! my room!" These two boys get along so well, it's adorable. At least for now :) Welcome home Nelson family, you were missed!

Like Father Like Son

July 21st...
I'm not sure where this hat came from today...maybe it was in the closet and Cael found it while I was putting laundry away. It's Derrick's and Cael knows that, I think after talking to his dad on the computer he just needed something of his to hold on to. He wore this hat all day long. It's a little big, but he didn't care.

Best Day Ever!!

July 20th...
We got to SKYPE with Derrick today! After 5 months of him not having access to the internet on his laptop, it finally became available! It was so surprising (and AWESOME!) to see that "Derrick Bruner is video calling you" message pop up on the screen after so long. Nothing mattered after that moment, I went and got both kids from their naps (boy did I regret that later...) so they could talk to their dad! Cael was beside himself with excitement! It feels so good to see his face again! I don't know the last time I was this happy during this deployment :)

Boredom got a hold of me today...

July 19th...
Before Averi got her helmet made, I was sure I would decorate it the second we got it home. I just knew it, I didn't want her to be a plain jane! (as plain as you can be with a baby sized football helmet in a sea full of headbands and ponytails...) But when we got it and I saw that it was pink, I didn't really push for any decorations, it was already cute! We have had two fitting sessions now though, and I am realizing that every other mother at those Dr. visits thought the exact same thing! There is a coffee table in the waiting room with helmets all over it, blue, pink, blue, pink, blue, pink...I have yet to see another color. So anyway, back to my point, this evening on the couch I brought out my scrapbooking supplies and went to work! There are rub-ons all over that thing! She is now the flashiest helmet wearing little girl in all of Tennessee! Maybe even the world... :)

Neener Neener Brother!

July 18th...
Averi is a true"little sister" by every definition in the book! She loves Cael so much that it makes my heart hurt, she smiles when he gets in trouble...and she desperately wants anything he happens to be playing with. He has certain "no no baby!" toys (usually his cars) that he will not let her play with no matter what, and those always seem to be the ones she wants most (wonder why... .) So tonight while I was at Wal*Mart getting some diapers and wipes I decided to get her a few cars of her own! These little things are adorable, there was an elephant, zebra and turtle on the shelf and I grabbed all three. They weren't marked or anything but I mean, they're just plastic cars. They don't light up, they don't drive themselves around the house...a couple bucks probably. Three? That would be alright, she could start her own little car collection. HA! Try five! Ok, that doesn't sound like that big of a difference right now...but at the time, I was shocked! Five bucks for those little cars? Sorry sweetheart, only one for you, maybe next payday I will be able to get you another one, but I can't make any promises! We all know Cael is going to claim it anyway, at least I tried! :)

So pretty!

July 17th...
I got these beautiful perfect roses from my beautiful perfect husband for our anniversary, and even though I absolutely loved them the day I got them...I think they get prettier every single day. They are really opening up now and I find myself sitting at the table just to stare at them for minutes at a time. I love him more than words can say...and I think he might love me that much too!

'Bout Time...

July 16th...
Well I finally sent 'Edge of Darkness' back to it's home at the netflix factory. I found a little motivation from a friend and watched it first, and I'm glad I did. Good, good movie.

New family :)

July 15th...
Today I decided to take the kids on a little road trip to the Louisville, KY Zoo to meet some of our extended family! Derrick's cousins live only a few hours away (well...like 6 I think) so today we decided to meet finally! It was miserably hot, and we are all sore to the bone, but it was totally worth it! I can't express how good it made me feel that members of his family would want to take the time and effort to meet me and the kids while he is away! I have always felt very loved and welcomed into his family, and that's something not every married woman can say without cringing! I loved every minute of today!

It's our anniversary!

July 14th...
My very first encounter with Derrick was the day after I reported to Ft. Polk, LA. We were being split up into sections by our jobs, and the 92A's (that would be me) were lumped in with the mechanics. We were standing in their formation with them, and I was paying zero attention to the orders being given. All I could concentrate on was how tall the guy next to me was. It's a weird feeling standing next to someone, your head barely above their shoulder, and having no idea what their face looks like. He could have been completely headless for all I knew. That happens a lot in the army. A few minutes later, marching up to the location of the hospital we were about to build, he was in front of me. He did have a head after all, but now all I could see was the back of it. I had yet to see his face, but somewhere in the back of my mind I kept thinking to myself, "I think I am going to marry him..."
I don't know how I knew, maybe it's just intuition, but it doesn't really matter how though, because I was right! We met face to face for the first time during some crazy unexplained absence from everyone else in our group, we were the only two who showed up for work, so we just sat down and got to talking. And we talked. And we talked. And we talked. Even after the two weeks were over and we both headed home, we kept on talking!
I knew from those first moments when I could only see his hair, a good foot or so above my own, that I was going to spend the rest of my life with him.
Derrick, you are the most caring, sincere person I have ever met and even though we are millions of miles apart right now, we are still together. I don't feel like there has ever been a day when you weren't here with me, physically or not. I love you more than you can possibly imagine and I cannot wait to see you again.
Three years and counting!


July 13th...
Ahhh Averi. I have been chomping at the bit these past few weeks, wanting her to crawl! It's such a big milestone when a baby learns how to move on her own. That sense of freedom. That sense of power! I wanted that for her, I really did...but now that she is getting so darn close...I take it back! She is going to be so much trouble, I can already tell. She has that whole "I'm the cute one and I'm going to use that against my brother" type attitude and I know I am going to be in for it.
She's so adorable when she tries though! She gets up on all fours and moves on knee, but she can't figure out how to move her other knee so she starts to dance, hoping that something in the chaos of movements will propel her forward! She normally just ends up on her belly, but if she's lucky she gave herself enough momentum to reach whatever she was after.


July 12th...
I finally got this thing up on the wall! I had been wanting to wait and get it framed first, but I don't know when that is ever going to happen so I figured I might as well hang it up anyway! I ordered this sign from Hawaii last year when my mom, cousin and friend had the most amazing spur-of-the-moment, I-have-no-idea-how-this-is-happening vacation ever! I believe the artist was in the gift shop of an aquarium selling these paintings and I thought they looked so cool. The one he had on display was for a girl's name and was very pink. Flamingos, flowers...very girly. I asked him what the boy's signs were like and he said "Oh, very boyish! I use things like sharks and volcanoes, it all looks really neat" Awesome! Sharks and volcanoes, I told him I loved that idea and wanted to order one and he made a note (he made a NOTE!) on his paper. Cael - Boy - Volcano. A few weeks later and I get this in the mail...
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE it! I think it's so cool, and the art work is fantastic, but really? what was the point of writing volcano down on his paper if he was going to give me a parrot instead?
Silly Hawaiian painter man. At least he spelled it right!

Edge of Darkness

July 11th...
This poor movie has been on my table for at least a week now. It's not usually like me to keep one this long because there are so many others I want to see, I like it watch them and get them back in the mail as soon as possible. Why is this one still sitting here collecting dust, you ask? I couldn't tell ya. Every person I have talked to said it was awesome, my mom even said "put this at the very top of your list!" and I did! But for some reason I can't bring myself to put it in. Maybe it's that the books I'm reading are taking up all of my "quiet time." Or maybe I just haven't been in the mood to watch a movie that's not a sappy love story, bound and determined to make me miserable beyond belief wishing my husband could just come home already. (You would think that category would be one I would try to stay away from but I just can't help myself) Unfortunately, I think I am just going to stick this one back in the mail and put it back on my list for later. No harm done.


July 10th...
Cael...I hardly have the words to describe you. If I could take all the love I feel when I look at you and figure out some way to sell it, believe me! We would be so filthy rich right now it wouldn't even be funny. I wish everyone could feel as much happiness as you make me feel. You're a stubborn little one, I will give you that; You learned how to roll your eyes at an impossibly young age. But you are more than willing to shower me with hugs and kisses all day long, even if I don't ask you for them. Tonight you threw a fit because you wanted to be the one to hand Averi her bottle, and I just can't not justify that as admirable. I love you so much, you light up my entire world. And thank you for being patient enough to stand outside after a rainstorm and let me take your pictures!

Needing her mommy!

July 9th...
Averi is working on tooth number 8 right now, and has been for a couple of days. The drool is insane, but she has been happy for the most part. Today though she decided no where was good enough for her besides my hip. It has been the ONLY place she has been happy. She doesn't want to play, she doesn't want me to sit down, she doesn't want me to acknowledge that her brother even exists, she just wants to hang out, right here. How nice must that be? I carry all of her weight, (and believe me, it's a lot) she has to make zero effort. I wish I was small enough and had a smile like hers so I could convince people to carry me around all day. Lucky for me, at the rate her teeth are coming in, she should have a complete mouthful in just a few weeks!


July 8th...
Ok, I mention before that I was started to read the Twilight books...it really was more of a bucket list type goal. I was determined to jump on this band wagon for some reason, and it wasn't because I thought it was stupid, because really I knew nothing about it. It was mainly because I decided to listen to the cynics before the fans. Had I listened to my nieces before my friend...I would have been more eager to read them. But I didn't. I'm a push-over, what can I say? But I had this want to read them just because I was starting to feel like I was the only one who hadn't. I bought the first one at Wal*Mart and I swear, I have never read a book that fast! I got completely sucked in...bought the rest of the books...bought the movies...saw the new one in theaters...covered my walls in posters...just kidding!! About that last part anyway, I am not that crazy anymore, my *NSYNC days are over! HAHA. So anyway, I owe an apology to every person I may have made a snide comment to, or rolled my eyes at about being Twilight nerds, now I join you instead and I will leave the eye rolling to my husband.

Boo Boo Bear

July 7th...
I am an awesome friend. You know the kind of friend who you can call in the middle of the night when you just need to talk? Or the kind who will take your side in (almost) any argument? Or the kind who will smash your finger between the couch and the wall while trying to scoot it so we can work out!! Ok, maybe that's not the best quality to have...but at least I am the kind of friend who has a 2 year old -- so you can bet there is always a boo boo bear in my freezer!


July 6th...
Getting ready to go play with the little boys across the street and I figured a diaper wasn't appropriate attire, so I asked Cael to go into his room and pick out something to wear. He came back to me after a few minutes (very concentrated minutes, I'm sure) with his alien footie pajamas. He was hugging them to himself like they were his most prized possession and it took a few minutes to convince him that it was WAY too hot outside to be wearing anything but shorts. He agreed to wear normal shorts and a T-shirt and (because I don't ever learn) I told him to pick out some shoes. Now, I am trying to be one of those "cool moms" who agrees to compromise with Cael instead of arguing over little things....like fashion, apparently. Plus I figured, one argument was enough. So when he came running with these Elmo slippers, I thought "sure...why not?" He thought he was pretty cool walking down the street in those bad boys and I figured there was no harm done, he was happy. Of course by the time we were ready to head home it was raining, and I am not coordinated enough to carry them both, so lets just say he won't be wanting to wear them as shoes again anytime soon!!

Rules? What Rules?

July 5th...
When Derrick and I first had Cael we (Yes we, don't let him fool you into thinking I am the mean one) decided no more dogs on the couch. It was hairy for one thing, and not to mention we had two dogs, so us humans never had a place to sit. But mostly it was for the baby's safety. Jo is no ballerina and I didn't need her lunging herself onto the couch without checking first to see if he was there. The rule stayed in place for a really long time (until today actually.) Being alone with her on the July - kids asleep in their rooms, me lounging about, comfy as can be on the couch while she stares at me, shaking with fear from the booms outside - really melted my icy, icy heart. I let her up and I swear she was asleep before her legs were even folded underneath her. So I guess the cat (er, dog) is out of the bag on this one. Jo can be on the couch now, and she is the happiest dog ever!

Happy Independence Day!

July 4th...
I actually had fun tonight! I didn't plan on doing anything for the Holiday weekend this year, without my husband, it just didn't seem like something I wanted to celebrate alone. Well thanks to my neighbors I didn't have to! We had a nice little BBQ with them and Cael LOVES playing with the boys. It felt really good to just let go and have fun. To go for a couple hours without feeling sad or guilty. And, thanks to the fact that fireworks are legal in Tennessee, Cael didn't need me to drive on Post, or to Nashville for him to experience the 4th! We had plenty to look at from our own front yard and he loved them!!

No bugs!

July 3rd...
2 weeks ago and I would have NEVER been able to take this picture. Call me a baby, a 'fraidy cat, a wuss...whatever you want, but I do not like bugs. It's not like I am afraid of the outdoors or anything, I have been camping almost every summer for as far back as I can remember. And I have always survived the bugs...but that doesn't mean I like them. When you are out camping in the woods, you have no other choice. You always tell yourself "oh, ants...could be worse!" but when you are in your own backyard, you have the option to go inside. And that's what I do. If I have the option, I leave. I don't like them crawling on me. I don't like the idea of them crawling on my son. I don't like how sneaky they are. A while ago I found a tick trying to catch a ride into the house on one of Cael's cars. Who did he think he was trying to fool? Ticks can't drive...
I just hate them. Anyway, my point being, had it not been for the Home Sheild Advantage people that showed up and sprayed my yard, I would NEVER have stood under the big branches of my tree to relax in the shade while Cael played in the yard. Not ever.

Jo is the best dog!

July 2nd...
I can't say anything bad about our dog. Ok maybe I can. She will tear down any blinds or curtains that prevent her from watching us back out of the driveway. She has an appetite for dirty diapers that I will never understand -- or be OK with. She has issues with female dogs equal to her in size, and will (unfortunately) try and duke it out to the death if we don't stop her. Wow, sorry Jo...I kind of got carried away there. For all of those things that she does that may drive me up the wall, or make me seriously consider making her an outside only dog...she is amazing with the kids.
Today 2 little neighbor boys came over to play and one of them was convinced she was a horse. She didn't snap at him, she didn't run and cause him to fall down, she would calmly sit so he could slide off her back and then lie down under my legs and hide. He found her, and unfortunately gave her a few small kicks to the face and what did she do? She licked him. Effective yes, it got him to back away so his mom could deal with him, but personally, I would have showed him some teeth. That's just me I guess. Everyone down here loves her and always tells me what a good dog I have and I have to agree with them. I could not ask for anything more from her, she is amazing. She is Cael's best friend, a learning tool for Averi, and my protector. (at least I hope she would protect me...she looks scary enough so hopefully that's enough to do the job!) You're a good girl Jo.

Tell me these two kids are not brother and sister!

July 1st...
You'll have to cut me a little slack tonight. I just did day 2 of Jillian's 30 day shred and I am exhausted. I thought a cold shower would help, but get this! My shower water would not turn cold! You know it's hot outside when you lose the option to have a cold shower. I got it down to a luke warm status and to be honest, that was more than enough. I'm not really one for cold showers anyway, I just thought it was funny that I couldn't have one, even if I had wanted it.
I felt absolutely worthless today when I put the kids down for their afternoon naps and realized I had been eating and watching TV all morning long. You know how the day after you go grocery shopping, it's like a free for all? All day I kept thinking "ohhh...what else do I have?" It's just so nice to have options that I can't stop I guess. Kinda makes my Jillian workouts seem like a waste of time, but give it a week and I'll be out of food again anyway. It'll all even out.
Anyway, I thought the kids might like to get outside when they woke up and I knew I could use some sunshine so I set up the slip and slide and we spent the afternoon out in the sun! It felt great, there was a nice breeze so we didn't get too hot. Averi sat on the porch with me in her bumbo the whole time and snacked on a few cookies while Cael played in the water. He is hilarious, most kids play in the water to get wet...but Cael came up to me the first time his shorts got splashed and wanted me to take him inside and put a new pair on him. Goof.