June 4th, 2012 (seems like as good a day to start as any!)

I can't believe it's been 2 and a half YEARS since I started this blog, and it's funny (or not) I haven't even considered starting this project again until just a few hours ago!  I enjoyed this the first time, I really did. But there were days when it seemed like more of a hassle than a help. Days when I would forget to take a picture, or when we just didn't do anything special, so I would find myself taking a random picture to make up for it. Usually those ones had very little creativity or thought behind them, and my words written were just as blah. I have been afraid that if I start this again it will be the same way, boring. But as I opened up the past entries and read through them this afternoon with my kids looking over my shoulder and asking about each one, I realized that I actually did what I had intended to do! I preserved our memories through that entire year. And I see now that there were a lot less "boring entries" than I seem to remember, so that's a plus too!

A lot has happened during the gap, my husband and best friend has been home for a year and a half....not enough of course, there is never enough time spent with the family when you are an active duty soldier. But we must take what we can get I guess. The majority of his time home has been spent at our new house!! Living for the army can be very fickle and ever-changing, moving soldiers from state to state as needed, so naturally we decided to purchase a home in our very first duty station :) Just kidding, we are enjoying the many perks to owning our own home and whether or not we live here forever, this little house will always have a huge place in our hearts!

I don't want to draw this entry out with a recap of the past since most of you are on my facebook and already know most of it, so I'll do a quick reader's digest version and promise to have a much more awesome entry tomorrow! Here goes:

Derrick and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary (Harry Potter movie premiere, geocaching underneath the city, and planking, oh my!) and we are now preparing to celebrate our 5th! Our son Cael turned 3, and then 4 (4 was pretty darn cool, he wanted to have a Halloween themed party in March lol) our daughter, Averi turned 2 and will be 3 soon enough. We bought a house, covered that one. I started my own photography business which I ADORE and have met some of the most amazing and kind people because of it! It's nothing I want to give up in any realm of the forseeable future.
Hmmm.....I suppose that'll do for tonight. See you tomorrow!