Father's Day

June 14th, 

It's Father's Day!!! Well....sort of. Derrick has a 4 day weekend starting tomorrow, and we will be spending 3 of them at a Strong Bonds Marriage Retreat in Nashville! Not 100% sure on what that entails, but we were informed that happily married couples are strongly encouraged to go, as well as couples who feel like they could use a little help. (We are the former, fyi!) The kids get to come with us, and there is free on site childcare provided while we go to classes and out on a date! I'm really excited to go. Anyway, back to my point, which is today. We celebrated Father's day today since we won't be home Sunday and surprised Derrick with a cute little picture that the kids and I made, and a huge lego set! My husband has walked down the lego isle of every store we have gone to since the day Cael was born. He has very impatiently been awaiting the day he could use our son as an excuse to buy some legos and pretend he is a kid again. Well I figured that has come, or close enough anyway. I made sure to get a Marvel Superhero set so Cael would like it too, but I don't think I needed to take that precaution. He is having so much fun putting this....spaceship?....airplane? whatever it is, together. Something from the avengers lol. Derrick and I are pleasantly surprised at how well he can follow the instructions, even without Derrick's help! I think ice cream is in our near future as well, so I'm outta here! I don't think I will be able to blog while I'm at the retreat, but I'll try! If not you'll get another 3 days at once, that's a pattern I'm going to try to get out of next week :)

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