
September 18th...
One thing I love about being a mom? Hearing "momma, bed" and watching my son tap his pillow for me when I tuck him in. He started this while my mom was here visiting, and I am very proud to take over her role. I love sitting on the floor next to his bed, my head on his pillow next to his, and we just look up at his stars and he whispers his list of people he loves. We do this almost every night and it is so sweet. I keep telling him one of the these nights we will lay outside in the yard and look at the real stars...but...the bugs are so big here....

1 comment:

  1. You should get a tape recorder and record your conversations! You'll be glad you did. My parents did that with my little brother, who is now 13, when he was about 2-4 years old. When my dad would lay on Travis's bed with im, they had the most amazing, funny awesome conversations between a daddy and his little boy. And now Josh and I have started doing it with Jace. You can capture some awesome memories and hear those cute little voices!!
