25 woohoo!

September 23rd...
Today is my birthday! Since most of my friends are in different parts of the world, and my husband couldn't possibly be farther away, I am taking today as a day of quality time with my kids. I know, I know, we spend quality time together every day...but today is a little different. Normally, if I am in the mood for a spicy chicken sandwich from Wendy's, we will go through the drive-thru. It's just easier. Not today! Today we actually went in and it felt nice! Both Cael and Averi were on their A-game and behaved amazingly. Sometimes I get stuck into the "stay at home mom" rut and allow myself to just assume it's easier if we don't leave the house. I don't need to do that anymore! I have good kids, and even when I don't...they are just kids! It's not like the people at Wal Mart are going to take down my name and number if Cael throws a fit about wanting to walk along side the cart instead of being in it. I just need to relax!
So, in keeping with my new mantra today, I decided to go get my hair cut. With the kids! The looks on the beauticians faces were pretty funny while I maneuvered the double stroller into the salon, and that's what would normally turn me away in embarrassment. But they were totally cool with it! I parked the stroller next to one of the chairs, gave Cael my phone to play a few games on, and Averi took a nap. It was amazing! Quite possibly the best birthday (under the circumstances) I could have asked for! Thanks kids!

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